JS9 supports two styles of menubar: the default classic style
(all top-level menus are displayed in the menubar) and a mac style
(some top-level menus are in the View menu). Specify the style globally
by setting JS9.globalOpts.menubarStyle to "mac" or "classic".
Specify a style for specific menubar by using the data-style
attribute on that element.
You also can display user-defined menus by setting the JS9.globalOpts.userMenuBar to an array of menu options, and then either setting JS9.globalOpts.userMenus to true for all menubars or setting the data-usermenus attribute to "true" for a specific menubar. See js9usermenus.js and js9usermenus.css for an example of a user menubar array and associated CSS overrides from the default CSS values in js9.css. Note that supermenus support styles and user menus, as shown in the examples below the image displays. |
A classic menubar displaying all top-level menus:
Super-menus of style classic, mac, mac/user to control both displays:
A Mac-style menubar (top-level menus in View) and user-defined menus: