JS9 Demo: a supermenu to control multiple displays
A supermenu (a JS9 Menubar whose id starts with SUPERMENU_, and
with a data-displays attribute) can control multiple JS9
displays simultaneously, so you can change colormaps, scales, etc. on
all displays. Or you can click on an individual display to make it
the selected display for the supermenu. (Click that display
again to unselect). You can also select a display from a supermenu's
File menu, which contains a list of selectable displays.
Thus, a supermenu can control several displays collectively or each
one individually.
In this demo, we have loaded Chandra (red), Galex (green), and
Spitzer (blue) images of colliding galaxies NGC 2207 and IC 2163 into
a single display:
- With a single display, the supermenu behaves like a normal menu
- Choose "File:separate:separate these images" to make three separate displays
- Use the Scale menu to change the scale of all three images to "histeq" and back to "log"
- Choose "WCS:wcs reproject:chandra.fits" to reproject the Spiter and Galex images using the Chandra WCS (reproject does not act on itself).
- Change the contrast/bias individually on any of the images (i.e., mouse manipulation is still tied to the individual images)
- Click the chandra.fits (red) image to select it as the supermenu's target image (notice it gets a green highlighted border)
- Choose "File:separate:gather all images here" to move the Spitzer and Galex images back to the original display
- Choose "View: Blending", turn on Image Blending to view the blended images as one
- Again choose "File:separate:separate these images" to make three displays, so you can adjust contrast/bias individually
- Choose "File:separate:gather all images here" to move the Spitzer and Galex images back and display the blended images (since blending is still turned on)
JS9 Demos:
web page configuration:
multiple displays:
data analysis:
FITS support:
not often needed: